The Man Who Saw Frankenstein Cry: Paul Naschy, The Life and Legend of a Horror Icon


Not a Frankenstein movie, but a great title for a film every fan of Paul Naschy will want to see… The Man Who Saw Frankenstein Cry: Paul Naschy, The Life and Legend of a Horror Icon.

The intriguing title comes from an anecdote reported by Naschy (1934-2009). On February 25, 1966, Naschy was hired as an extra on a Spanish location shoot for the American television series I Spy with Boris Karloff in a memorable guest part as a Quixotic scientist. Though Naschy’s scenes were edited out, he had the opportunity to observe the elderly actor, hobbled by leg braces, at work in very difficult circumstances. Late in the day, in bitter cold and piercing winds, Naschy saw the suffering Karloff weep as he waited for transportation that was late arriving. “I am one of the very few,” Naschy wrote, “perhaps even the only man who saw Frankenstein’s Monster cry.”

The 60-minute documentary was directed by Naschy’s biographer, Angel Agudo. Mick Garris serves as host and narrator, and the film features rare archival footage of Naschy and interviews with Naschy friends and colleagues, including John Landis, Joe Dante, Christopher Lee, and Caroline Munro.